🫂Day off reminder
Just a reminder that we do not have school on Monday, 1/20/2025 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
🐶🐱SOC Thanks!
SOC would like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone that participated in our Festive Fun for December. We collected $960 which we will be donating to the Animal Adoption Foundation!!!
✔️Open House Yard Signs
As you may know, a major event in our annual enrollment campaign is our Open House. This year it is scheduled for Sunday, January 26. Our yard signs have proven to be a very effective means of communicating this event to our prospective families. We are asking you to put one in your yard. We will have these signs available in the morning at drop off and at the end of day pick up in the parking lot.
🏐 2025 Spring Boys Volleyball Grades 3 through 8
SJCS Boys Volleyball registration is now open for our Spring 2025 season in the GCCYS. Please use the link below for registration and payment through January 19, 2025. The fees this year will be $125 plus the cost of a shirt. Players that have a shirt from last year do not need to get a new shirt. Please make sure you return back to this original email to access the link for the GCCYS Waiver and Lindsay's Law. Please sign up here if your child is a St. Joseph student, even if they played for another school last year.
Practice will begin February 17, 2025.
Matches will begin March 10, 2025.
Matches are played Mon-Fri, some weeks will have two matches a week.
No matches during Holy Week or Spring Break
End of season Tourney will be at the beginning of May.
Please let me know if you would like to coach! If you have any questions, please contact Karen Bultman, SJCS Boys Volleyball Coordinator [email protected]
2025 Spring Boys Volleyball Sign Ups
GCCYS Waiver Form
Linday's Law Information and Form
🎫Drawdown Ticket Update
Before Christmas Break we sent home packets to every SJCS family for ticket purchasing for our Drawdown on February 22, 2025 at Badin High School in the Pfirman Family Center.
We are encouraging every family to buy or sell at least 3 tickets for this event. You can purchase a ticket even if you cannot attend. You do not have to be present to win, but someone must represent you at the Drawdown if you are in the final 10 tickets. You don’t want to miss out on a chance to be the BIG winner! Please spread the word to friends and family to join us for this very special and fun evening!
Tickets can be ordered 2 ways. You can use the order sheet we are sent home and when the order sheet is returned with payment, your ticket will be added to the hopper. Please return the flier with your order (in the envelope) to school as soon as possible for processing. You can also scan the QR code on the flyer and order tickets online. After ordering with either method we will send any ticket stubs home to your family. Early ordering will help us to ensure we have enough food and drinks for all attending and help to confirm our payout for the evening.
Be on the lookout for more emails and volunteer opportunities after the first of the year. Thanks again for your support with this very important fundraiser!