Important Links for Parents
⛱️SJCS Vacation Request Form
If students are going to be missing school for a vacation (more than 2 days) parents must complete a Vacation Form for approval before the planned vacation occurs. Please complete one form per student. This must be completed at least one week in advance.
SJCS Vacation Form 24-25
👩🏻🏫School Email Addresses
To contact staff here at St. Joe we are providing email addresses to families. This is the most efficient way to contact all St Joseph staff members. Below is the link to our staff directory. It would be a great idea to “bookmark” this for easy access😉.
SJCS Staff Directory
St. Joseph Parish Donut Sunday
12/15/2024, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Festive Fun Monday- Wear Grinch or Green apparel
All School Confessions
Festive Fun Tuesday-All is Bright- Neon or Shiny apparel
Fun Festive Wednesday-Ugly Christmas Sweater Apparel
Fun Festive Thursday -Color Battle Wear Green or Red with Uniform Bottoms
All School Mass
12/19/2024, 8 AM – 9 AM
St. Joseph Church
5th Grade Spotlight Breakfast
12/19/2024, 9 AM – 10 AM
Children's Festival
Fun Festive Friday-Cozy Pajamas Apparel
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Christmas Break-No School
Teacher Inservice-No School
🥗Lunch Room News
Here is the link to our lunch menu
SJCS Lunch Menu
💳Lunch Payments
We will be using FACTs for hot lunch/milk. It will still be a prepaid account. You can log into your account and on the right side there is a box that says “Prepay Accounts” Click on the “Add Funds” button to load money to your child's lunch account. You can do this at any time. If your balance drops below $10.00 you will get an email reminder from FACTS to add more funds. Any questions please contact Paula Waggoner at [email protected].
SJCS Bluejay Bulletin 12/12/2024
🎄🎄Christmas Break
Our last day of school before Christmas is Friday, December 20, 2024. The students will return to school on Tuesday, January 7, 2025
⛹🏾🤾🏽♀️Gym Uniform Reminders
Just a reminder that every Monday and Tuesday the students in K-8 have gym class. Students in grades 2-8 should wear a gym uniform, but we ask that all students, even Kindergarten and 1st grade, wear gym/tennis shoes. Gym uniforms may be purchased through this link SJCS Spiritwear Shop
Gym Uniform Clothes
- Gym clothes are mandatory for grades 2-8 and optional for grades K-1.
- Students can wear gym uniforms to school on Mondays and Tuesdays.
- Uniform includes tennis shoes, t-shirt, shorts, or joggers.
- Shorts must be longer than fingertip length. Rolling of shorts is prohibited.
🎁🎄 🧑🏻🎄SOC’s Festive Fun!!!
Purchase a special Week long out of uniform pass to be used December 16th - 20th. Support SOC’s Charity choice : Animal Adoption Foundation. $5 per student.
Passes will be available for students to purchase in the 3rd grade room from 7:10 -7:25 am the week of December 9th only. Preschool students are welcome to participate since they do not wear uniforms, but can make a donation if they wish.
You can also send the $5 in an envelope with your child’s name, grade level, & SOC to school and their pass will be sent home with them.
If you have any questions, email Meredith at [email protected]
Grinch Monday ~ December 16th
Wear anything Grinch related or green!
All is Bright Tuesday ~ December 17th
Wear neon or something shiny!
Ugly Sweater Wednesday ~ December 18th
Wear an ugly sweater or other festive clothing!
Color Battle Thursday ~ December 19th
Wear a GREEN top or a RED top with uniform bottoms.
Cozy Friday ~ December 20th
Wear your pajamas.
🙏🏻Reconciliation Service
On Tuesday 12/17/24 the St. Joseph Consolidated School students in grades 3-8 will be participating in an Advent Reconciliation service.
⛪Safe Parish Update
In reviewing our SafeParish systems today I noticed that there are several individuals that are not current with their Safe parish account. A new training was added this week and must be completed before January 2, 2025. All SafeParish users should log into their account and check the status. If you click on My Account, you can view items that need completed. The user account Dashboard is displayed in the screenshot below:
Remember when you create an account you must complete all parts of the background check to be approved to volunteer.
- Original online training
- Background check through Selection.com (there is a $25 charge)
- View quarterly trainings and complete them to stay current
Please complete any updates ASAP. Until this is completed you are unable to volunteer or work with youth at the school or parish. Please contact me if you have any questions or need any assistance.
🚦FACTS - CEF 25-26 Financial Aid Information
The CEF Scholarship & SJCS financial aid applications are now open for St Joseph Consolidated School. You will need to log into your FACTS account to fill out the Grant & Aid. FACTS Log in page
🎫Drawdown Ticket Update
Next week we are sending home packets to every SJCS family for ticket purchasing for our Drawdown on February 22, 2025 at Badin High School in the Pfirman Family Center.
We are encouraging every family to buy or sell at least 3 tickets for this event. You can purchase a ticket even if you cannot attend. You do not have to be present to win, but someone must represent you at the Drawdown if you are in the final 10 tickets. You don’t want to miss out on a chance to be the BIG winner! Please spread the word to friends and family to join us for this very special and fun evening!
Tickets can be ordered 2 ways. You can use the order sheet we are sending home and when the order sheet is returned with payment, your ticket will be added to the hopper. Please return the flier with your order (in the envelope) to school as soon as possible for processing. You can also scan the QR code on the flyer and order tickets online. After ordering with either method we will send any ticket stubs home to your family. Early ordering will help us to ensure we have enough food and drinks for all attending and help to confirm our payout for the evening.
Be on the lookout for more emails and volunteer opportunities after the first of the year. Thanks again for your support with this very important fundraiser!