🎄🎄Christmas Break
Our last day of school before Christmas is Friday, December 20, 2024. The students will return to school on Tuesday, January 7, 2025
⛹🏾🤾🏽♀️Gym Uniform Reminders
Just a reminder that every Monday and Tuesday the students in K-8 have gym class. Students in grades 2-8 should wear a gym uniform, but we ask that all students, even Kindergarten and 1st grade, wear gym/tennis shoes. Gym uniforms may be purchased through this link SJCS Spiritwear Shop
🙏🏻Reconciliation Blessings
The following students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation the 7th of December Our Prayers and Best Wishes are for Brooks Allen, Gema Baer, Asher Blossom, Andi Brown, Annabelle Bundy, Betsy Jimenez, Evan Kiesewetter, Carly Lantis, Elise Lantis, Michael Martinez Acosta, Luca Nori, Santiago Oliva, Reagan Patrick, Kimberly Reyes, Liam Saurber, Cruise Shepherd, Hudson Sugg, Presley Thieken, Addy Turco, Nash Valerio, Mason Whiteker and Arden Wolpert . A Special Blessing for our Companions on the Journey: Yaniah Aldridge, Arielle Cruz, Caroline Farmer, Jack Farmer, Niko Murtland, TJ Pfirman and Kai Windom.
🎫2025 Lotto 365 Tickets
Thanks to all who have sold their 365 lotto tickets. The funds generated through the 365 Lotto Fundraiser go into the general fund. They help cover general operating expenses, such as salaries, building payment, utilities, etc.
Children of families that sold all 6 of their tickets and turned them into the office by Friday, December 6th will be out of uniform on Friday 1/10/2025.
Please return all sold tickets to the office for processing as soon as possible. This year we are offering incentives for students for sales. If you need additional tickets you can call the school office. If your family sells 12 tickets by 1/7/2025 you are entered into a drawing for $100 tuition credit and your children will get an additional out of uniform pass.
🚦FACTS - CEF 25-26 Financial Aid Information
The CEF Scholarship & SJCS financial aid applications are now open for St Joseph Consolidated School. You will need to log into your FACTS account to fill out the Grant & Aid. FACTS Log in page