📆Days off Reminder
Just a reminder there is no school Monday 2/17/25
🎂Happy Birthday Fr. Jim Elsbrend
Father Jim E, from St. Joseph Parish, will be celebrating his 80th birthday on Sunday, February 23! We would like to help shower him with cards and letters for his big day. If your family would like to send in a card, please send it to the school office no later than Friday, February 21.
🐱🐶 SOC Loves Animals
Please help SOC by sending in any old towels or blankets that you no longer need. PLEASE CLEAN THEM FIRST! Ripped or torn items are acceptable. They will be used in the animal kennels. Collections will take place until February 28th. Questions – email Meredith at [email protected]. Thank you!
🏃♀️🏃🏽♂️CYO Track & Field
Sign Ups for Jr. Rams Track and Field Team are now open. The sign-ups are live on
www.sacredheartboosters.com until February 23rd. Questions email [email protected]
🍔PTO Dine to Donate Night
The PTO has the following Dine to Donate Night planned for St. Joseph families
😊Texas Roadhouse West Side SJCS Dine to Donate Monday 2/24/2025.
🎫Drawdown Ticket Update
We still have tickets available for our 22nd annual Drawdown on February 22, 2025 at Badin High School in the Pfirman Family Center. Use the link below to order tickets online or use the form we sent home to families.
We are encouraging every family to buy or sell at least 3 tickets for this event. We have sold over 452 tickets so far!!!!! If we reach our goal of selling 500 tickets by TOMORROW Friday, February 14, students will earn a day off of school on Monday, February 24.
Even if you cannot attend you can purchase a ticket, but someone must represent you at the Drawdown if you are in the final 10 tickets. You don’t want to miss out on a chance to be the BIG winner! Please spread the word to friends and family to join us for this very special and fun evening!