😷🤒🤢Illness Policy & Update
Over the past week we have seen an increase in staff and student absenteeism due to illness, with majority having flu-like symptoms. Flu symptoms can include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headache, fatigue, diarrhea and vomiting.
To help prevent the spread, we are advising families to keep students home if they are not feeling well. Those with flu-like symptoms should remain at home until at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever or signs of a fever without the use of fever-reducing medicine.
If you plan to keep your child home please email the office and your child's homeroom teacher as soon as possible. All absences must be reported no later than 8:00 AM.
👍🏻BIG Thanks from Grade 2
WOW!!! Second Grade made $910.00 at our raffle last week. Thanks to all of you for your generosity and support...it wouldn't have been successful without you!.
Used Book Sale is our next fundraiser on March 6th. Please send in all your unused books and ask your neighbors and family members. It's a great way to recycle books for a good cause
🐱🐶 SOC Loves Animals
Please help SOC by sending in any old towels or blankets that you no longer need. PLEASE CLEAN THEM FIRST! Ripped or torn items are acceptable. They will be used in the animal kennels. Collections will take place until February 28th. Questions – email Meredith at [email protected]. Thank you!
📚23-24 Yearbooks Remaining
There are a limited number of 2023-2024 School Yearbooks left for purchase. If you wish to purchase one, please send $25 (cash or check) to the office in an envelope marked yearbook.
📆Days off Reminder
Just a reminder there is no school Monday 2/17/25
🍔PTO Dine to Donate Night
The PTO has the following Dine to Donate Night planned for St. Joseph families
😊Texas Roadhouse West Side SJCS Dine to Donate Monday 2/24/2025.
👩🏻🏫MASH closet
Help us stock the snack cabinet for our teachers and staff! This little pick me up and way for them to easily grab a quick bite or drink is very helpful and appreciated by the staff.