Important Links for Parents
โฑ๏ธSJCS Vacation Request Form
If students are going to be missing school for a vacation (more than 2 days) parents must complete a Vacation Form for approval before the planned vacation occurs. Please complete one form per student. This must be completed at least one week in advance.
SJCS Vacation Form 24-25
๐ฉ๐ป๐ซSchool Email Addresses
To contact staff here at St. Joe we are providing email addresses to families. This is the most efficient way to contact all St Joseph staff members. Below is the link to our staff directory. It would be a great idea to “bookmark” this for easy access๐.
SJCS Staff Directory
High School Placement Test
11/23/2024, 8:30 AM โ 11 AM
Badin High School/Other Catholic High Schools
St. Joseph Parish Donut Sunday
11/24/2024, 11:30 AM โ 12:30 PM
Thanksgiving Break-No School
Thanksgiving Break-No School
Thanksgiving Break-No School
Thanksgiving Break-No School
Thanksgiving Break-No School
All School Mass
12/5/2024, 8 AM โ 9 AM
St. Joseph Church
2nd Grade Reconciliation Retreat
12/5/2024, 9 AM โ 1 PM
Texas Roadhouse Fund Raiser Turn In Day
7th & 8th Grade CYO Social
12/6/2024, 7 PM โ 9 PM
Queen of Peace Gym
1st Reconciliation-2nd Grade
12/7/2024, 10 AM โ 11 AM
St. Joseph Church
๐ฅLunch Room News
Here is the link to our lunch menu
SJCS Lunch Menu
๐ณLunch Payments
We will be using FACTs for hot lunch/milk. It will still be a prepaid account. You can log into your account and on the right side there is a box that says “Prepay Accounts” Click on the “Add Funds” button to load money to your child's lunch account. You can do this at any time. If your balance drops below $10.00 you will get an email reminder from FACTS to add more funds. Any questions please contact Paula Waggoner at [email protected].
SJCS Bluejay Bulletin 11/14/2024
๐ฃBluejay Spirit Friday๐ฃ
Tomorrow, Friday 11/22/2024, is a "Bluejay Spirit Friday”. Students are permitted to wear appropriate fitting bottoms (this means they should not be tight, the short length should be 6 inches above the knee and skirt length should be 4 inches above the knee) with Jog n Jam shirts, class color shirts, gray athletic spirit shirts, blue or gray school spirit wear, bluejay spirit wear or uniform tops. NO boots, moccasins, sandals or flip flops. Parents will be called to bring appropriate clothing or shoes if there is a problem.
๐ฆFACTS - CEF 25-26 Financial Aid Information
The CEF Scholarship & SJCS financial aid applications are now open for St Joseph Consolidated School.
You will need to log into your FACTS account to fill out the Grant & Aid.
FACTS Log in page
Important information regarding your application: There is a fee to fill this form out, only fill it out if you meet the following criteria.
- If you will have a preschooler for the 25-26 school year.
- If your child/children receive partial Ed Choice (not 100%) please fill out.
- If your child/children receive Jon Peterson please fill out.
- If your child/children receive 100% Ed Choice you do NOT need to fill this out.
๐ซ2025-2026 Re-registration Process
The re-registration process for ALL current SJCS families will begin at the end of November for the 25-26 school year.
- On November 20, we sent home a google form for families to let the office know if you will have an incoming preschooler or kindergartener for the 25-26 school year. This is a survey only for us to assess incoming student numbers.
- On January 6th we will be sending an “Intent to Return” google form. Your family will fill this out to let us know if you will/will not be returning to SJCS for the 25-26 school year. This must be filled out by Friday January 24, 2025 to hold your child/rens spot in the class.
- On February 3, 2025 your FACTS acct will be billed your $75 enrollment fee. This will be taken out on Feb 14th if you are enrolled in autopay. If not, you must manually go in and make the payment.
- On March 3, 2025 your FACTS account will be billed for a $35 cafeteria fee. This will be taken out on March 14th if you are enrolled in autopay. If not, you must manually go in and make the payment.
๐ซ2025 365 LottoTickets
St. Joseph Consolidated School families will be receiving their 365 lotto tickets (6) to sell on Friday 11/1. We are encouraging all families to sell these tickets. They make great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers! The funds generated through the 365 Lotto Fundraiser go into the general fund. They help cover general operating expenses, such as salaries, building payment , utilities, etc.
Please return all sold tickets to the office for processing as soon as possible. This year we are offering incentives for students for sales. Children from families who sell all 6 of their tickets and turn them into the office by Friday, December 6th will be allowed to be out of uniform on Friday 1/10/2025. If you need additional tickets you can call the school office. If your family sells 12 tickets by 1/7/2025 you are entered into a drawing for $100 tuition credit and your children will get an additional out of uniform pass.
Once again this year, folks can purchase Catholic Schools 365 Lotto tickets online. You can share this information with family and friends. Please go to our school website to access online ticket sales
๐Children’s Festival News๐
The Children’s Festival is a long-standing tradition at St. Joseph School. It’s a fun afternoon for the kids. We have a variety of games to play, refreshments, and an opportunity to have a picture taken with Santa. We also have a Christmas Boutique with gifts the children can purchase inexpensively for family members and have them gift wrapped for free. The children really enjoy shopping on their own. It is one of the best days of the year for SJCS kids! Please mark your calendars for Friday 12/20/2024. We are in need of many volunteers to make the Children's Festival a Success. We will be sending a Sign Up Genius for volunteers to sign up for the day in the future. There are many ways you can help. In order to keep costs down, we rely on donations. Please send in GENTLY USED “gift quality” items- ornaments, sporting goods, jewelry, games, doll clothes, accessories, etc…No Stuffed Animals Please! Donations (marked Children’s Festival) may be sent into the school office anytime in November.
๐Christmas Gifts
Christmas is coming soon, and the SJCS students would like to present a Christmas gift to each of the priests who visit us for Masses: Fr. Rick Walling, Fr. Jeff Silver, Fr. V and Fr Pucke. If your family would like to contribute to the Christmas gifts for these priests please send the money to the school office in the envelope we sent home marked attention “Priest Gifts”. The money will be used to purchase the gifts and then we will present the gifts to them when they say Thursday Masses for us in December.